Workshop smart buidling Bouwinvest

Smart buildings workshop

Workshop Smart Buildings: The Talk of the Town

The rapid technological advancements in smart buildings have unleashed a surge of new data and analytical possibilities. Organizations are feeling overwhelmed. Everything seems possible, but where should you start? Why and how should we collect data? What data should I collect or not collect, and what data am I already gathering? How do I store, analyze, and extract value from this data for end-users and the internal organization?

These are all legitimate questions, especially considering that much of the big data we collect remains underutilized. A fancy dashboard might sound appealing, but it's more than just a few sensors.

On Friday, December 7th, we hosted a workshop for the Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Office Fund, which manages assets worth €0.7 billion. This workshop aimed to address these challenges and explore solutions. The central themes included:

  • Organizational strategy
  • Data management strategy
  • Smart technology
  • Smart contracts
  • Smart ecosystem thinking

The outcome? Along with plenty of inspiration, we developed a concrete roadmap with initial implementation steps.

Reading recommendation:

Smart Building: More than big data & Technology