Our impact

Our current approach is reaching its limits. The growth of the global population, the scarcity of resources, and the warming of the planet due to CO2 emissions are having a massive impact on both people and the environment. The built environment is responsible for approximately 39% of global CO2 emissions, 40% of energy consumption, 40% of construction and demolition waste, and over 33% of global resource consumption.

A radical change is necessary. Reducing our ecological footprint is our top priority. We embrace a holistic approach to achieve this goal. Real estate is more than just an investment.

With great energy and dedication, we work every day to make this radical shift. Every action and decision is measured against our three core pillars: People, Planet, and Prosperity. If an action or decision does not align with these pillars, we go back to the drawing board or opt out.

Let's Make a Better World

PEOPLE - Our Community, Our Focus

We don’t just build structures; we create (inclusive) communities with a focus on the needs and lifestyles of the people who will live and work within them. People first, then technology. When people can grow, everyone grows. Within the People pillar, we evaluate every action and project against our three core project ambitions:

Designing and building vital, safe and healthy living environments

In our developments, creating healthy living, working, and leisure environments is central. We focus on environments where people can fully develop themselves and be encouraged towards an active lifestyle. We design spaces that promote health and wellbeing: physically, socially, and mentally.

We achieve this by:

  • Ensuring a Healthy Indoor Climate: Maintaining optimal air quality, temperature, and humidity levels.
  • Encouraging Movement: Promoting physical activity through features like accessible staircases.
  • Fostering Social Interaction: Designing welcoming and engaging communal areas.
  • Providing Ample Natural Light: Ensuring sufficient daylight and pleasant views.

All our actions are independently verified and certified by leading standards such as BREEAM and WELL to ensure we meet the highest benchmarks for health and sustainability.

Participation & Placemaking

A new living, working, and leisure environment generally improves when future users can influence its design. On a building level, this involves engaging with (future) occupants, while on a broader area level, it involves connecting with existing community members. The primary goals of participation and placemaking are:

  • Identifying Key Partners and Stakeholders: Recognize and engage with those who will have an impact on or be affected by the project.
  • Connecting with the Local Context and Stakeholders: Build relationships with local communities and relevant stakeholders to ensure the project is well-integrated into its surroundings.
  • Gathering and Analyzing Data: Collect data on desires and needs from stakeholders to analyze and translate this information into practical solutions.
  • Reflecting on Design Interventions: Evaluate the effects of design changes and interventions with stakeholders to ensure the project meets their needs and expectations.

By incorporating these principles, we aim to create environments that are not only functional but also resonate with the people who use and live in them.

Fair Business

Conducting business with integrity and honesty is our compass for successful collaborations. For us, achieving fair work extends beyond our primary tasks. It involves ensuring fair and responsible labor conditions throughout the entire supply chain. We strive to maintain fair and responsible labor practices in the supply chain we use by conducting thorough research and making informed decisions wherever possible.

Impact People EYE Real Estate
Impact Plamet EYE Real Estate

PLANET - Sustainability in every little detail

To ensure that our planet remains a pleasant, healthy, and livable place for future generations, we need to rethink and act differently. We must reduce our ecological footprint and move beyond the current Take, Make, & Waste economy. Every day, we work with great energy and dedication towards this goal. Within the Planet pillar, we evaluate every action and project according to our four key sustainability ambitions.

Energy Positive and Zero Carbon

Energy consumption is rising, and fossil fuels are depleting. Approximately 40% of global energy consumption occurs within the built environment. In the Netherlands, this sector must be fully energy-neutral by 2050. Additionally, we need to reduce CO2 emissions in our sector to zero by 2050, without relying on compensation. This applies to the entire lifecycle of every building. These ambitions significantly impact how we develop and construct buildings, how end-users consume energy, how the industry is organized, and how we operate as an organization.

To achieve these 2050 goals, we set the following objectives:

  • Energy Positive Buildings: Every new development must be at least energy positive for its building-related energy consumption. This means that the building must generate more energy than it consumes during its operational lifecycle, thereby contributing to a sustainable energy supply.
  • CO2 Reduction: Every new development must have at least 5% less CO2 emissions than the most recently completed new development. This continuous improvement ensures that we progressively move closer to our goal of zero CO2 emissions.
Circular design, construction and management

Transitioning from a linear economy (Make, Take & Waste) to a circular economy where waste no longer exists is essential. In a circular economy, waste becomes a new, life-extending resource. Achieving this goal requires a technical, economic, and cultural shift throughout the entire supply chain. While challenging, this transformation is crucial.

How do we apply circular design principles and make them (independently) measurable and verifiable?

We achieve this through the following indicators:

Project example

Climate adaptive and inclusive design, construction and management

We cannot ignore it: the climate is changing rapidly. This has significant consequences for people, nature, and the environment, including higher temperatures, longer droughts, increased extreme weather events (e.g., heavy rainfall), shortages of drinking water, and reduced biodiversity. We are committed to making a positive contribution to mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change. Here’s how we approach it:

  • Implementing Water Management Systems: We integrate water retention solutions at both the building and area levels to manage and reduce the impact of heavy rainfall and prevent flooding.
  • Reducing Heat Stress: We address heat stress through measures such as green roofs and facades, as well as designing public spaces with green areas and water management features like swales (wadi’s).
  • Restoring Biodiversity: We enhance biodiversity by using natural materials and incorporating ecological features into our designs, creating habitats for various species and promoting a healthier ecosystem.
Sustainable mobility

The pressure on available space is growing and will continue to increase. One opportunity to make efficient use of space is through the provision of shared mobility options (shared economy), shifting from ownership to usage. For each project, we evaluate the possibilities and space available for sustainable shared mobility solutions. This can include a range of options from cars to (cargo) bikes, scooters, and more.

PROSPERITY- Smart Investement, Better Living

We aim for broader societal and sustainable prosperity. Our investments focus not only on profit but also on the well-being of you and the community. We embrace innovative financial models and approaches that benefit both our investors and the communities we serve. Here's how we strive to achieve this:

  • Social Return: We promote employment and increase job opportunities for individuals who are distant from the labor market.
  • Local Economic Impact: We contribute positively to the local economy and business activity by involving local entities in planning and events.
  • Education and Training: We support education, sponsorships, and training placements (when available).
  • Through education, sponsorship and training places (if available)
Impact Prosperity EYE Real Estate