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Terms and Conditions

  • All offers, quotations, work assignments, contracts, and agreements between EYE Real Estate BV (hereinafter: EYE) and the client(s), or their legal successors, are governed by the 'Regulation on Legal Relationships between Client, Architect, Engineer, and Consultant DNR 2011, including revision 2013 (DNR).
  • In the event of conflicting provisions between any additional agreed terms and the DNR 2011, the content of the additional agreed terms shall take precedence over the DNR 2011.
  • The client is expected to be familiar with the DNR and its appendices. The DNR and its appendices can be found via the following link: DNR. EYE will provide the client with a copy of the DNR and its appendices free of charge upon explicit request.
  • Assignments to EYE Real Estate BV generally fall within the field of project management for real estate development.

How to obtain the DNR?
The DNR consists of separate publications: the Legal Relationships DNR and the Explanation including the Model Basic Assignment. These can be downloaded below.