Circulair DC Bleckmann EYE Real Estate

Sales circular DC Bleckmann

We are proud to announce that the new construction of the first demonstrably circular distribution center for Bleckmann has been successfully sold to German DIC Asset AG (Branicks) through a Sale & Leaseback transaction. DIC Asset AG acquired the fully leased project from Bleckmann for one of its managed funds, "RLI-GEG Logistics & Light Industrial III." After technical and legal completion in March of this year, the transfer took place on April 25th.

A New Sustainable Benchmark

The new distribution center, covering 46,237 m²/GFA, is the first demonstrably circular distribution center in the Netherlands. This makes the project a unique development. In collaboration with a top team of experts from the industry and the RVO, the circularity of each project phase has been independently tested and validated.

Involved Partners and Advisors

The buyer was assisted in this transaction by:

  • CMS (Legal)
  • EY (Tax)
  • C2N (Technical)

The seller (Circumflex CV) was assisted in this transaction by:

  • AKD (Legal & Tax)
  • EYE Real Estate (Commercial & Technical)
  • CBRE (Sales)

More project information