Distributiecentrum van Bleckman.

Starting signal for DC Bleckmann circular

We are excited to announce the kickoff of the Circular Distribution Center (DC) Bleckmann. This groundbreaking project marks the beginning of an innovative journey towards sustainability in logistics. The new DC will feature cutting-edge circular design principles, focusing on maximizing resource efficiency and minimizing environmental impact.

On behalf of Circumflex CV (the client), we are developing the largest demonstrably circular distribution center in the Netherlands for Bleckmann. The building will also achieve a BREEAM Very Good certification. This unique project is being developed at XL Businesspark in Almelo and covers an area of 46,237 sqm. 

The facility is fully leased to Bleckmann and is scheduled for completion and handover to the tenant and buyer by mid-March 2023.

EYE Real Estate is serving as the delegated developer for this project on behalf of the client. Over the past 2.5 years, we have managed every aspect of the development from A to Z. This includes feasibility studies, land acquisition, design, permitting, lease agreements, construction contracts, and overseeing the construction and delivery of this exceptional project.

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