ABN AMRO kneuterdijk

Feasibility study Kneuterdijk The Hague

Feasibility Study for VORM Development at Kneuterdijk 8. 

In mid-March 2017, EYE Real Estate was commissioned to assist VORM Development with a feasibility study for Kneuterdijk 8. The aim was to submit a bid for the purchase and transformation of the former headquarters of ABN AMRO Bank at Kneuterdijk in The Hague.

The iconic office building, designed by architect Ir. H.F. Mertens in 1923, features a rentable floor area of 9,500 sqm and a public parking garage with 87 parking spaces.

On behalf of VORM Development, EYE Real Estate conducted a comprehensive feasibility study to explore the purchase and transformation possibilities of the office building into a hotel and apartments. This collaboration and the studies resulted in a formal purchase bid.

Unfortunately, ABN AMRO Bank, as the selling party, decided to sell the office building to DHG.

EYE Real Estate wishes DHG success with the purchase and transformation of this remarkable building.

Photo credit: Wikimedia