Samenwerking Stadsbehoud

Collaboration EYE & Stadsbehoud

EYE Real Estate and Stadsbehoud have joined forces to drive forward innovative and sustainable urban development. This partnership leverages EYE Real Estate’s expertise in real estate development and Stadsbehoud’s commitment to preserving and enhancing urban heritage. Together, we aim to create projects that not only meet contemporary needs but also honor and integrate the historical and cultural aspects of our cities. This collaboration represents a shared vision for a more dynamic, resilient, and culturally enriched urban environment.

Since June 2021, we have been supporting Stadsbehoud Groep as (Delegated) Project Developer in a major area transformation in Amsterdam Sloterdijk. The overall transformation project encompasses six independent block developments. In collaboration with the Municipality of Amsterdam, work has begun on the first block development (Block 1), which will feature four "self-contained" building developments with a diverse program. The total development potential for the first block development is approximately 94,000 sqm.

The preliminary design for the first self-contained building development within the initial block (approximately 27,500 sqm) has now been completed. This development will include offices, commercial space, hospitality, and parking.

More news to come soon, so stay tuned!